Welcome to St Molios Church of Scotland, Shiskine.
The Guild meets in the church hall on the third Tuesday of each month from September to May at 2pm. If the speaker is coming from the mainland there is a soup & sandwich lunch at 1 pm and if it is an island speaker there is an afternoon tea after the meeting.
Nationally the Guild follows a 3 year theme and the theme for 2018-2021 is One Journey, Many Roads and the specific theme for 2019 is Companions on the Way. During the 3 year period the Guild also supports 6 projects, 3 based in the UK and 3 Overseas. The projects for this period are The Sailors Society, the Boys Brigade and CrossReach in the UK, and Malawi Fruits, Seema’s project in India and Journeying Together, Zambia. To find out more about these charities come and join in the meetings.
We support these projects through prayer, having speakers from each charity come to the Guild meetings and by raising financial support. Our Guild raises the money for the projects with 2 main events our summer BBQ and the Harvest Lunch which are both well supported by the congregation and wider community. The total money raised nationally for all the projects so far is £238,853. Our monthly collections allow us to support our church and other local charities
Women and men can be members of the Guild, in fact the number of men joining the Guild is growing! You will be sure of a warm welcome if you come along. For more details contact Alison Burnett 01770 860742.